Sweet tormentor of my dreams, how long will you haunt me?
Will it ever come to pass that my love will be returned?
Is there a chance that I'll ever know if we are meant to be?
Or is it fate that my love will be rejected or unheard?
The happiness of seeing you is beyond words.
The joy you bring to me with every smile is equal to none.
To hear you voice is to know that everyone's prayers are heard.
Does he know what the obligation he placed on me has done?
Of my friend I can tell you this.
He will treat you well and possibly keep his vow.
I will not betray him or speak ill of him as long as you are his.
But, he has left and hurt you over and over and that I'd never allow!
I can pledge to honor you and that I would.
Never would I allow you harm or pain.
Always making you love me the best I could.
But I feel if you don't harbor these feeling this is written in vain.
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